Sunday, March 31, 2013


How do you guys do it?  I am referring to those of you who live alone.

B took the kid to Florida for a wedding and I have been so bored out of my mind here with no kind of company, no plan, no purpose.  I cleaned the house and did all my "chores" the first day and now the house is neat and I am sitting here debating whether to nap again or just look out the window.  As I mentioned before, I have no one really to call and I no longer know how to pass my time alone.

I used to LOVE being alone.  Before I was hospitalized I loved to read, nap and have long afternoons to catch up on DVDs that I haven't watched.  I would go to the bookstore or library and shop alone, never missing anyone's company.  But things are different now.  I can't read.  Nothing interests me at home.  I don't want to read the newspaper or sit on Facebook.  I went to the bookstore yesterday with my own permission to buy whatever I wanted and nothing appealed to me.  I put on a movie after dinner and by 8:30 I was asleep, waking around 3 am because I was fully rested and not able to get back to sleep.

I will be on my own in a couple of weeks.  What will I do?  Half the week I will be alone and with no one to call and nothing to do.  I can't possibly sleep that much.  What will I do?  Who will help me to ward off the blackness that I can barely keep away now with people here all the time?