Saturday, December 29, 2012

Holiday Limbo

This year, the holidays are shit.  B and I have agreed to split.  We decided to stay together through the holidays for the kid's sake and due to the housing arrangements I have worked out, I actually can't go anywhere until February.  The house is HIS and we aren't married so I have to be the one to go. Believe me, this has me questioning the kind of man I have been with for the last 8 years.  

I also have to find a full -time job.  In January.  In a never-ending recession.  I love my current job but I don't make enough to support myself so I also have to walk away from that.  Since NY has no common-law marriage, he is not required to give me any personal help with the move and so I have to walk on eggshells hoping not to upset him so that he will be willing to let me have the car that is in his name and maybe help me pay rent if I get stuck. We have agreed to try to split custody 50-50 so I can't depend on child support payments to help me.  Just the kindness of his heart.

Needless to say, I have not been very enthusiastic about decking the halls (B actually got tired of waiting for me to do it and about a week before Christmas he did it himself).  I just can't force myself to care for the house anymore and have let the mess get out of control.  I had to buy gifts for Ben's family since we have agreed not to tell anyone but our parents until shortly before the move.  Gifts we normally would have purchased together had to be purchased by me because I don't feel like I can tell him what to do and he didn't want to spend the money (even though they buy gifts for both of us and L).  I am broke and miserable and just want this to be over.

We haven't talked to L about it yet.  She's only 5 and she is a worrier.  I don't want to give her any more time to obsess about it than I need to.  I figure a week or two before will be plenty of time.  Luckily, I am moving into my mother's upstairs flat and so I can play it off like "We will be staying over at grandma's for a few days each week for a while..."  and then work on answering questions as they come up.  

And the fucking snow.  

I am stuck in the house with him and honestly I want to just sleep it away.  As I have literally $12 to my name right now because I bought gifts, and because they don't bother to keep the street I live on plowed, I am going to be here all weekend.  He gives me no space in the house.  The only place I have to myself is the bed.  He could spend some time in his office or his basement man cave but he doesn't.  He sits in the living room and watches Sons of Anarchy or plays on the Wii while the kid plays with her Barbies and coloring books.  He acts like I am not here unless L needs something.  Then he lets me know.

I desperately need to get out.  I need to have some fun.  Simple fun, nothing extravagant.  I am so worried about my finances right now and my living situation sucks and I feel like I am going to make myself insane.  I mean, how can anyone really "sleep" for 17 hours a day and feel normal?  (I used the quotation marks because I mostly just lie there trying not to have panic attacks thinking about how my whole world is being uprooted).  I just want to go to a movie or see a crappy band.  But I have no money for that so I just sit here.

I am not doing well.  I keep trying to tell myself that this is what we need to do, and I really believe that we need to be apart, at least for a while. I want to be myself for a while.  I want to be able to be Ls mom without constantly being angry and snippy.  I want to be responsible for myself and not have to answer to anyone about my every move.  I think that I would be coping better if I wasn't stuck in this limbo.  Just waiting for the end to actually happen.  It's like knowing you are going to be attacked and waiting for it for months.  The stress mixed with the boredom of waiting for the big event is exhausting.  

I wonder if any of you have ever experienced this?


  1. I'm so sorry you are going through this. If you have the energy, you might want to check this out:

    It appears to me that even in joint custody arrangements, the parent who makes more money is obliged to pay child support.

    Look after yourself!

  2. Thanks so much for this. I am going to have to look into this more.

  3. You're welcome. I hope you can work out a better situation for you and your daughter.

  4. I mean, I know it was my option to read, however I really thought youd have something attention-grabbing to say.natural depression treatment

  5. Nope. Just my personal struggle with depression.

    1. What a gracious answer to a nasty comment...i hope you are traveling ok. Just found your blog and I identify with a lot of it. You are very brave.

  6. I have suffered on and off from depression for over 10 years. I was ALWAYS an upbeat, happy and energetic person. And then it struck. Yes struck, just like lightning. I tried welbutrin for years, and while it kept afloat, I still struggled and suffered insomnia as a side effect. I too wake up each day with the best of intentions. To shower. To get the mail. To return phone calls... And then the sledge hammer hits. I sit down for a moment. Almosr like its a treat I deserve for all the energy I just put forth with my intentions of being normal. And the mud that Im stuck in gets thicker....

    1. KC:

      I totally relate to the sitting down as a treat for doing the most basic of tasks. I do it with a cup of coffee and 2 hours later I am still sitting there wondering if I should just go back to bed.

      If Wellbutrin didn't work, I recommend trying another drug. Sometimes it takes a little experimentation to find something that will thin that mud out a little. I have had some success with Cymbalta, but my doc and I are still working on it.

      Good luck.
